Thursday, January 13, 2011


Feels great to be in the U.S. and in good company!  Each day with the Heroes is a blast!  I still can't believe this is my job.  Lately, I have been observing the behaviors of people we encounter to be more effective in my position.
The Heroes work tirelessly into each night and that challenges me to do my best.
Just the other day we were dining at a restaurant that was truly the best food I ever had...5+ stars.  They lit our cigars for us and everything!  The Heroes wanted to introduce me to the owner.   A newly hired waiter, who clearly didn't know the Heroes, gave ME better service than THEM.  I couldn't believe some of the disrespectful ways he treated them.  I was instructed to not correct the waiter and just observe him.  It was then I came to understand being treated like "Dirt" when you're a "Hero".  At first I thought these guys must be the most MISunderstood group in music today.  But after we talked with the owner I realized HE didn't know them for their music either....but as one of his INVESTORS!   A few modestly answered questions later, I was forced to perceive the Dirt Heroes as philanthropist instead of musicians.  They must have one of the most diverse, race teams, charities, and web based businesses most of us use daily!  I asked, "why make music?" they told me "It's been with us all our lives and we love it!  Music is the best way to get our message out.  We want to give everyone the keys to live like we know...HERO UP!"    Now, I understand why they don't want a record deal or to be famous...they have far too much work to do.  The Heroes are extremely humble to have done so many great things.  They say they are just getting started, so I urge you to stay tuned, listen closely to their music, and enjoy life on another level!


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